
Inspiring and provoking people everywhere to experience their best Life by yielding from a posture of Love! Yielded Life is rapidly taking the world by storm! Cofounders Dr. Apostle Howard Bell and Pastor Tiffany Bell are using their stories of personal triumph through yielding, to change lives all over the world.

“Yielding is more than an act of obedience or submission, it is choosing to align with the process from the mindset and heart of love”
– Howard Bell.

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Howard Bell

Howard Bell has lived life sharing the message that physical and emotional limitations do not have to determine identity or purpose. Instead, I have personally developed the lifestyle and belief that our identity and purpose, if well cultivated, can unlock an amazing destiny.

At the age of one, Howard was diagnosed with Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The prognosis was fatal. Doctors told his parents he would probably not live beyond the age of five... at best into his early teens. As people of faith, Howard’s parents and family chose to treat him as “normal” and encouraged him to believe he had a divine purpose and that his identity rested in what he believed, not in what others said about him.

Now, more than four decades later, Howard has taken his life’s story around the world to help encourage and inspire others. Seeing others succeed, is what continues to fan the flames of purpose in his life that is unlocking the destiny in people everywhere.

Despite physical challenges, Howard has accomplished many professional and personal goals such as receiving a bachelor’s degree from ASU with highest honors. He also went on to receive a his doctorate. He has been appointed by governors and mayors to serve on various community and political boards. He has been a spokesperson for the Easter Seals Society. He has been the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for various corporations. He is a published author and has been featured on TBN, 700 Club, and several radio programs throughout the United States. He also hosted the “More Than A Conqueror” radio program for four years.

Today, Howard travels and speaks to businesses, churches, institutions, schools and at various community organizations throughout the world. His mission is to reach the globe with the message that there are no limits for those who believe.
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Tiffany Bell

Pastor Tiffany Bell is a powerful and dynamic speaker who has been changing lives with her story and compassion for over two decades. At the age of 22, pastor Tiffany had a radical conversion and encounter with Jesus Christ that would change her life forever! Since that time, she has committed her life to spreading the message of hope and God's transforming power around the world!

Pastor Tiffany was raised just outside of Charleston South Carolina. As a child, she saw the hand of God protect and keep her despite being raised in the home of a backslidden pastor turned drug dealer! Surrounded by drugs and abuse, she managed to build and receive strength from a God she had not known or met. Little did she know it then, but God had big plans for her.

In her early 20s Tiffany was invited to attend an Assembly of God church service. There, she decided to give God a try. With nothing to lose, she gained the world. That night, she told the Lord, “yes”. Since that night, her passion for souls has continued to grow.

Shortly after that fate-filled night at the Assembly of God Church, Pastor Tiffany Bell began an intense discipleship training. Within a couple of months, God was already opening doors for her to begin to mentor others. She began teaching addiction recovery classes using the Teen Challenge curriculum. Faithful to the call, she would soon become actively involved as a youth pastor. A few years later, God opened up an opportunity to plant a church where she would be co-pastor. Through community outreach and discipleship she was able to see a church plant grow from nothing to over 60 strong before God launched her into her next season.

Today, Pastor Tiffany Bell and her husband Apostle Dr. Howard Bell spearhead an international ministry called, “Yielded Life”. This ministry spans the globe through social media, television and live events. Together they spread the message of how Yielding to God, through the posture of love, will Awaken Identity, Activate Purpose and Ignite Destiny!

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